Southern Hebrew Family Remnants

Written By: Shelly Helman
When approaching the Torah from the beginning and truth is becoming revealed to you. Concentrating on studying the Torah for a few years can allow your own mindset to perceive the scripture. This seclusion is a divine time to ask that Yah reveal to you what he desires you to learn at this time.
"Yes, keep this book of the Torah on your lips, and meditate on it day and night, so that you will take care to act according to everything written in it. Then your undertakings will prosper, and you will succeed."
-Joshua (Yehoshua) 1:8
Focusing on the Torah and not jumping to extra biblical books can create a firm foundation for logic when browsing the distant fields in the multiple books of scripture. And from discovery of the many laws and statutes contained in the Torah, focus on issues of salvation, not the intricately woven mesh of laws that tend to make one family become judgmental of the neighboring cabin. Yah will open your eyes to them as he sees fit.
Becoming a Torah terrorist has absolutely no benefit when bringing folks to the truth. There was a time when Yah even opened your eyes. He may or may not open the eyes of others. Let the light and love of Messiah shine through you, and allow patience and love to permeate.
Along the way its very possible to lose family and friends on the walk toward the Almighty. Many practices like eating kosher, and not working on the Sabbath are backwards to the world, and are a strange custom to the nations. However as you grow in faith you will see things that are no longer tolerable to be around, as your eyes are now truly open!
Many folks who have been on this walk will try to convince others, that they are in sin. These folks who go around judging others are not always right. Study and pray for yourself. People who have been on this walk for a while tend to loose their love for others and seem to become more of a Pharisee than part of the Family. Don't allow someone to cause you to walk away from your hunt for the truth.
Keep your lips moving with words toward the Almighty, and pray without ceasing. You are constantly being heard by the King, and your petitions are being recorded.
This walk is not an easy one, and nobody said it was. There will be times when information will be brought to light that will cause you to see, your errors and be shaken to the core of your belief system, as literally everything we have ever been educated with is fully blended with lies and twisted truth. This walk however is the most rewarding walk you will ever be on. The blessings of Yah, are so awe inspiring when you are on the right path, its treasures never cease. That's why you can never stop loving your brethren, because we are all walking the same path. Learning how to biblically handle the problems that life presents us.