Southern Hebrew Family Remnants

Written By: Yarden
He that dwells in the secret place of the King
Will abide under the shadow of his mighty wing
I will say of the Lord, He is my castle and my keep
In my God I will trust to protect me as I sleep
Surely he will deliver you from the snare
From pestilence, and worry of storms in the air
He will open his wings, as a bird of the field
His truth will be your buckler and your shield
Have no fear for the night, nor for the arrow by day
Walking in the darkness won't lead you astray
The nations evaporate by the Kings right hand
But forever endure the sons of Abraham
Only the eyes of the King will behold the pleasure
To reward the wicked with their lonesome treasure
Because of the King, I have an oasis
The shepherd with the flock, in fields and places
There will be no evil spirit, waiting to pounce
Blessings will descend upon your house
Angels will dwell for time, and stay
In your home to teach the way
They will hold you up in their hands
Guide you from stones - hidden in sands
You will best the warrior and the liar
Trample under foot like ashes from fire
He set his love upon me, like the sky brings rain
I will set him on high, because he knows my name
He shall call upon me, and I will answer Him
With long life I show, my salvation